Never underestimate the decorative powers of a tassel. Whether accenting a doorknob or dressing up a table lamp, tassels and tiebacks are those little details that really bring a room together—no wonder they’ve been part of the decorator’s arsenal for decades. And they’re not just for the traditionalist. Our tassels and tiebacks feature unexpected details and fresh hues—and you’ll find these exclusive designs only here. Read on for our favorite ways to use them.
The chair tassel is a classic decorator detail that’s poised for a comeback. Here, instead of a single large tassel, we used a bold tieback to dress up a clean-lined dining chair—the three tonal tiers and the acrylic beads add a touch of modern glamour.
The Chair Tassel
It’s time to rethink this hallmark of traditional dining-room decor. While once spotted in only the most formal of spaces, chair tassels can feel right at home in more laid-back rooms too. They’re perfect for adding color to an otherwise-neutral set of chairs or bringing a dash of festive flair to your dinner-party decor. We especially love to use chair tassels during the holiday season—they can make any meal feel like an occasion (even if you’re ordering takeout!).
Try doubling up for a layered look. Here, two key tassels—one knotted, one beaded—add some playful texture to a ceramic table lamp.
The Key Tassel
The most versatile tassel type is also the easiest to use—the key tassel can go anywhere that needs a dash of fun, color, and movement. Hang one from a drawer-pull on your nightstand, use it to adorn a doorknob, or loop it through a vintage skeleton key and display it on the coffee table.
You could even use a key tassel to dress up a present: Tie it onto a wrapped package or loop it around a bottle of wine for an extra-chic hostess gift.
Adorned with pom-poms in range of blue hues, this drapery tieback gives simple sheers a playful kick.
The Curtain Tieback Two Ways
Like the chair tassel, the curtain tieback has a reputation for grandeur and formality. But these classic drapery accessories can have a playful side too. Finished with multitier tassels, tonal pom-poms, and sleek acrylic beads, our modern interpretations are more fun than fussy—and can really dress up a standard set of curtains.
Curtain tiebacks are also ripe for reinterpretation. Our rope tiebacks have a pared-down design that makes them wonderfully versatile: Looped onto wall hooks, they can be used to to hang up hand towels, scarves, or lightweight throws.
Looped around a set of boat cleats, a rope tieback becomes a nautical-chic towel bar.
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